Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Experiment 3: Crysis Valley

Objects folder: http://www.filefront.com/16755505/Objects%20%282%29.zip
Levels folder:http://www.filefront.com/16756255/undefined

Before entering the world, please read the other overviews written below.

Also included in this post are the keys for the elevator.
The elevator moves in several directions thus several keys had to be used to take the clients from the bridge to the meeting space.
This elevator is the elevator that joins the two clients as they both take the same lift to the meeting space. Note: When taking this elevator try to stand in the middle of the lift, avoid far ends.
The keys to press to go towards the meeting space are: p-->n-->k-->k(to ascend down)
Then to move from the meeting space back: j-->b-->o

The keys are linked to go from each moving point and back hence if you move forward when pressing 'p' to go back you would press 'o'
thus p<-->o
Another lift situated is for Helen Keller, which is situated at the base of her space. This elevator was designed so that clients would take a boat from one side pass through the valley and through the two waterfalls and turn to the right base of the terrain. Here they would jump off walk towards the lift and take it to go up to Keller's space.
The keys for this elevator would be only 'L' to go up (non caps) and 'u' to come down.

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